
My scripts for managing a mixed language setup

Primary LanguageShell


Polygot is a simple framework for programmers who want to be able to switch between different langauages easily without having a really complicated .profile or .bashrc. It allows you to create simple little setup scripts for each lanaguage you use and then pull them into your current shell on-demand using a simple utility.

For example, I don't use clojurescript very often so I don't want it to be installed in my shell sessions by defualt. However, I can load it up on demand using a single command.

poly load ruby


clone this repo into ~/.poly

git clone https://github.com/bookofgreg/polygot.git ~/.poly

Add the following to .bashrc (or similar)

alias poly="source $HOME/.poly/polygot.bash"
poly load shell git-prompt git ruby rails

Obviously, you should load the packages relevant to your world not mine.


To get help, type

poly help

To create a new polygot environment, simply create a script in your .poly directory named .sh and it should be picked up automatically.

For example, I create ~/.poly/ioke.sh I can load Ioke by running

poly load ioke

Remember that ioke.sh will be 'dotted' into your environment so you shouldn't do anything that will kill the whole session like

exit 0

because that will kill your shell.

Sometimes, it's handy to have a per project setup. You can do this by creating a file called Polyfile in any direrctory. If you run poly with no arguments, it looks for the Polyfile and 'dots' it into your shell.

For example

$ cat Polyfile
echo hello world
poly load hadoop

$ poly
hello world
poly : Loading hadoop


What if I want to uninstall a langauge from a session?

You need to start a new session that doesn't include the language you don't want.

Do you want pull requests?

No thanks. Please fork the project and set things up as you like.