Frontend Mentor - Multi-step form solution

This is a solution to the Multi-step form challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

This was a great opportunity for me to practice my react skills, try out css nesting, and also to learn and apply the basics of redux.


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • Complete each step of the sequence
  • Go back to a previous step to update their selections
  • See a summary of their selections on the final step and confirm their order
  • View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size
  • See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page
  • Receive form validation messages if:
    • A field has been missed
    • The email address is not formatted correctly
    • A step is submitted, but no selection has been made



My process

Built with

  • Vite + React
  • Plain CSS (To try out the new nesting feature)
  • pain


State Management with Redux

Sending and managing state between different form components posed a challenge. To overcome this, I decided to use Redux, a predictable state container. Allowing me to centralize and control the application's state effortlessly.

Project Structure

It was challenging to figure out how I should structure the project so to make switching between pages easy. In the end I decided to use a component for each page, simplifying the development process.

  step == 1 ? (
    <Page1 />
  ) : step == 2 ? (
    <Page2 />
  ) : step == 3 ? (
    <Page3 />
  ) : step == 4 ? (
    <Page4 />
  ) : (
    <ThankYou />


Understanding in Redux

By the end of this project, I had gained a basic understanding of Redux, enabling me to efficiently manage application state and facilitate data flow between components.

Enhanced React Skills

My familiarity with React deepened as I integrated Redux and utilized React features like the useRef hook.

Improved CSS Skills

This project strengthened my CSS skills, and was a great opportunity to try out the newly added CSS nesting, which was very fun to use!