Boom-components library provides separate react components


  1. If the library is not set in package.json, just do "npm i git+"
  2. For installing the updated version of the library, just add this pair to scripts in package.json: "update:bcc": "npm install git+", and run the command "npm run update:bc" to install the fresh version of the library
  3. Import needed component separately, e.g.: "import AddShareIcons from 'boom-components/dist/AddShareIcons'"
  4. Happy Hacking! ✌



Prop Value Example type
comp_id 'comp-knoo8ma8' string (Required)
instance 'YBqfV6G8MmNwz...' string (Required)
event event json object (Required)
iconsSectionCustomClassNames ['customClassName1'] arrayOf(PropTypes.string)
showAddToIcons true bool
addToSectionTitle 'Add to calendar' string
addToIconsCustomClassNames ['customClassName2', 'customClassName3' ] arrayOf(PropTypes.string)
showShareIcons true bool
shareSectionTitle 'Share Event' string
shareIconsCustomClassNames ['customClassName4', 'customClassName5' ]} arrayOf(PropTypes.string)
boomEventUrlBase '' string (Required)
copyActionTooltipText 'Copy event url' string
copiedTooltipText 'Copied' string
sequence 'vertical' oneOf(['vertical' 'horizontal'])


Prop Value Example type
wrapperCustomClassNames ['custom-1', 'custom-2'] arrayOf(PropTypes.string)

Note: Description string has to be given to component as children, which will be parsed into html