
Converts Notability .note files into .jpg images

Primary LanguageJava


Java CI GitHub release (latest by date)

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Converts Notability .note files into .jpg images

github.com/Boomaa23/Note2JPG | Copyright © 2020-2021. All Rights Reserved


A comprehensive quickstart guide can be found here for a standard and easier setup.


Download the updater JAR file. Run the updater JAR once to get the application JAR and dependencies.

A copy of Java JDK 11 or newer must be present on the system at the time of installation.


Double-click the application JAR to use the program once downloaded with dependencies.

From the command line, this is java -jar Note2JPG.jar.



Used to store note files automatically. Most users can use OAuth and login with a Google account if an applicable feature is enabled through the config JSON or parameters. Use --grelog to change accounts. Service accounts are also supported.


NEO integration requires that a NEO username and password is provided to the GUI each time (the user will be automatically prompted for this), passed through the parameter --neo, or included in the NEO keys in the config JSON.


The list of parameters to pass to the command is listed below. To store configs without passing them through each time, modify config.json.

Key Flag <Value> Source JSON Type Action
Filename -f <filename> Note2JPG String Specify name of .note file
ImageScaleFactor -s <scaleFactor> Note2JPG int Multiplier to superscale the whole image by
PDFScaleFactor -p <pdfScale> Note2JPG int Multiplier to superscale the PDFs by
Concatenate --concat Note2JPG boolean Concatenate note sources into one output
ConvertAll --all Note2JPG boolean Convert all available notes
DisplayConverted --display Note2JPG boolean Show the image after processing
PageCountOut --pgct <numPages> Note2JPG int Force the number of output pages
PageSelectionIn --pgsel <pgSel> Note2JPG String Select note in pages (sep. by "/")
NoPagePrompt --npp Note2JPG boolean Disable the page prompt (all pages always)
NoteFilter --filter <toMatch> Note2JPG String Specify a filter for note listing
FitExactHeight --hfit Note2JPG boolean Cut the image directly after writing/PDFs
OutputDirectory --outdir <path> Note2JPG String Specify an output directory
NoFileOutput --nofile Note2JPG boolean Do not write the image to file
RandomFile --randomfile Note2JPG boolean Select a file randomly if not specified
GenerateConfig --genconfig Note2JPG boolean Generate a config file template
WriteConfig --writeconfig Note2JPG boolean Write out the current config to json
ConsoleOnly --console Note2JPG boolean Use the system console instead of the GUI
--neo <userId> <pw> NEO String Use NEO integration for unsubmitted assignments
NEOClassID --classid <classid> NEO String Specify a class ID for NEO integration
NEOAssignment -a <assignment> NEO String Set a different assignment name for image
NEONoLink --neonolink NEO boolean Don't link image to NEO assignment
AllowSubmitted --allowsubmitted NEO boolean Allow submission of done assignments
IncludeUnits --inclunits NEO boolean Include assignments from the units page
NewNEOFilename --newneofn NEO boolean Register a new NEO filename (no overwriting)
WipeUploaded --wipeup NEO/AWS boolean Wipe uploaded images from specified sources
UseAWS --aws Amazon boolean Upload images to AWS (via NEO)
UseDrive --gdrive Google boolean Use Google Drive to download and upload
UseDriveDownload --gdrivedl Google boolean Use Google Drive as a .note source
UseDriveUpload --gdriveup Google boolean Upload images to Google Drive
ForceDriveDownload --fgdl Google boolean Force the .note to download from Google
GoogleSvcAcct --gsvc Google boolean Use a Google Service Account over OAuth
GoogleRelog --grelog Google boolean Log in to a different Google account
LimitDriveNotes --gdrivelim <limit> Google int Define a limit for Drive-retrieved notes

Source code for all parameters can be found here