- Anaconda
- Python 3.6
- Tensorflow 1.6
Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/BooneAndrewsLab/CycleNET.git
$ cd CycleNET
Download Cell Cycle and Localization networks to 'models' folder
$ mkdir models
$ wget -P models https://thecellvision.org/cellcycleomics/cellcyclenet_models.tar.gz
$ tar -xvzf models/cellcyclenet_models.tar.gz --directory=models
Download Cell Cycle and Localization training sets to 'datasets' folder
$ mkdir datasets
$ wget -P datasets https://thecellvision.org/cellcycleomics/cellcycle_training_dataset.tar.gz
$ wget -P datasets https://thecellvision.org/cellcycleomics/localization_training_dataset.tar.gz
$ tar -xvzf datasets/cellcycle_training_dataset.tar.gz --directory=datasets
$ tar -xvzf datasets/localization_training_dataset.tar.gz --directory=datasets
Create a conda environment
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate cyclenet_env
$ python src/training_script_cellcycle.py -i <INFERENCE_FUNCTION> -l <MODEL_OUTPUT_FOLDER> -t <TRAINING_SET_FILE> -v <TEST_SET_FILE>
$ mkdir model_training_cellcycle
$ python src/training_script_cellcycle.py -i inference_oren -l model_training_cellcycle -t datasets/cellcycle_train_set.hdf5 -v datasets/cellcycle_test_set.hdf5
$ python src/training_script_localization.py -i <INFERENCE_FUNCTION> -l <MODEL_OUTPUT_FOLDER> -t <TRAINING_SET_FILE> -v <TEST_SET_FILE>
$ mkdir model_training_localization
$ python src/training_script_localization.py -i inference_leo -l model_training_localization -t datasets/localization_train_set.hdf5 -v datasets/localization_test_set.hdf5
$ python src/segmentation.py -i example/input_images -o example/labeled_images -s ./src -g ch1 -n ch2 -c ch3
Script parameters:
-i INPUT_FOLDER Path to input folder containing images to be segmented
-o OUTPUT_FOLDER Path to output folder where to save labeled images
-s SCRIPTS_FOLDER Path where the scripts are saved
-g GFP_CHANNEL Channel where the GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein) marker is. Example: ch1
-n NUCLEAR_CHANNEL Channel to be used in segmentation - usually where the nuclear and/or septin markers are. Example: ch2
-c CYTO_CHANNEL Channel where the cytoplasmic marker is. Example: ch3
This script calls src/NSMM.py and src/Watershed_MRF.py
$ python src/compile_single_cells.py -l <LABELED_FOLDER> -i <IMAGE_FOLDER> -s <CROP_SIZE> -g <GFP_CHANNEL> -n <NUCLEAR_CHANNEL> -c <CYTO_CHANNEL>
$ python src/compile_single_cells.py -l example/labeled_images -i example/input_images -s 64 -g ch1 -n ch2 -c ch3
$ python src/evaluation_script_localization_cellcycle.py -l <LOC_CPKT> -c <CYC_CPKT> -i <INPUT_PATH> -o <OUTPATH> -n
$ python src/evaluation_script_localization_cellcycle.py -l models/localization/localization.ckpt-6500 -c models/cellcycle/cell_cycle.ckpt-9500 -i example/labeled_images -o example/predictions
Script parameters:
-l LOC_CPKT Path to model/checkpoint for localization network
-c CYC_CPKT Path to model/checkpoint for cell cycle network
-s INPATH Path to input folder containing labeled images
-o OUTPATH Where to store output csv files
This script calls src/preprocess_images.py and src/input_queue_whole_screen.py
Users can generate their own train and test HDF5 datasets to train the model from scratch. The process requires steps 1 and 2 from the pipeline described above.
Please see instructions on how to run the segmentation and crops compilation from steps 1 and 2 of above pipeline. The output of these two methods are the required input of the succeeding steps.
This script generates a CSV file containing single cell coordinates Image Path, Center_X and Center_Y for the purpose of labeling cells.
$ python src/generate_singlecell_coordinate_sheets.py -d <LABELED_DIRECTORY> -o <OUTPUT_PATH> -p <INDEX_IMAGE_PATH> -x <INDEX_X> -y -<INDEX_Y>
Example (cell cycle):
$ python src/generate_singlecell_coordinate_sheets.py -d example/labeled_images -o /home/username/git/CycleNET/example/training_dataset/singlecelltool_input_for_labeling_cellcycle.csv -p 1 -x 3 -y 4
Example (localization):
$ python src/generate_singlecell_coordinate_sheets.py -d example/labeled_images -o /home/username/git/CycleNET/example/training_dataset/singlecelltool_input_for_labeling_localization.csv -p 0 -x 3 -y 4
Script parameters:
-d LABELED_DIRECTORY Directory containing labeled images (segmentation output)
-o OUTPUT_PATH Output path (please use absolute path and include the filename)
-p INDEX_IMAGE_PATH Index position of the target image path in the *_labeled_coords.npy output file. The default is set to 0.
-x INDEX_X Index position of the center X-coordinate of the cell in the segmentation *_labeled_coords.npy output file. The default is set to 3.
-y INDEX_Y Index position of the center Y-coordinate of the cell in the segmentation *_labeled_coords.npy output file. The default is set to 4.
This is a custom-made GUI single cell labeling tool: https://github.com/BooneAndrewsLab/singlecelltool.
Follow the instruction described in the repository page. The output generated from the previous step can be used as the
"Cell data file" input in the tool. For the "Phenotype list" input, please use the following files accordingly:
This script generates the train and test HDF5 files needed to train a new CycleNET network.
Please see example labeled cell files:
$ python src/generate_new_training_data.py -d <LABELED_DIRECTORY>
Example (cell cycle):
$ python src/generate_new_training_data.py -d example/labeled_images
-i example/training_dataset/labeled_cells_cellcycle.csv -t /home/username/git/CycleNET/example/training_dataset/cellcycle_train_set.hdf5
-v /home/username/git/CycleNET/example/training_dataset/cellcycle_test_set.hdf5 -x 3 -y 4
-c -s 64 -n 5 -m 4 -w 1339 -z 1001 -r 0.8
Example (localization):
$ python src/generate_new_training_data.py -d example/labeled_images
-i example/training_dataset/labeled_cells_localization.csv -t /home/username/git/CycleNET/example/training_dataset/localization_train_set.hdf5
-v /home/username/git/CycleNET/example/training_dataset/localization_test_set.hdf5 -x 3 -y 4
-l -s 64 -n 5 -m 4 -w 1339 -z 1001 -r 0.8
Script parameters:
-d LABELED_DIRECTORY Directory containing labeled images (segmentation output)
-i INPUT_FILE File that contains the labeled cells. Required columns should be in the order of: Image Path, Center_X, Center_Y, Label. Use exported data from the single cell labeling tool (step 3).
-t TRAIN_FILE Output path for the training set (please use absolute path and include the filename)
-v TEST_FILE Output path for the test set (please use absolute path and include the filename)
-x INDEX_X Index position of the center X-coordinate of the cell in the segmentation *_labeled_coords.npy output file. The default is set to 3.
-y INDEX_Y Index position of the center Y-coordinate of the cell in the segmentation *_labeled_coords.npy output file. The default is set to 4.
-c LABELS_CELLCYCLE Use this flag if the labels are cell cycle phases. Default is False.
-l LABELS_LOCALIZATION Use this flag if the labels are protein localization. Default is False.
-s CROP_SIZE Single cell crop size. Default is 64.
-n CHANNEL Number of channels/frames saved in the segmentation output *_labeled.npy file. Default is 5.
-m METADATA Number of metadata to include in the output file. Default is 4.
-w IMAGE_WIDTH Image width. Default is 1339.
-z IMAGE_HEIGHT Image height. Default is 1001.
-r SPLIT_RATIO Ratio to use when splitting the train and test datasets. Default is 0.8
After completing this step, the user can use the generated train and test datasets to train a new model. Kindly see instructions from "Training the Cell Cycle and Localization Networks" section.
This software is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. Please see the
file for more details.