
A LongTerm Strategy Game and Rewarding Play2Earn

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The Blockchain Land DAO Game

A LongTerm Turn Based Strategy DAO Game (: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WYB_OwTonrI1QVnUA7sfyY2B7yhPICovLkHlIXoUw0s/

In-game Currency,  PixelDust (PXD) ERC20 Testnet: https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/token/0xFD9c919F3473d224b0025346BB46Da1762a29d98

Mainnet: https://polygonscan.com/token/0x7fd1b109d1f5f3811e5ec7da67b86b2e426ab54d

Get TESTNET PixelDust(ERC20) by sending MATIC to the (PixelDust Manufacture Contract 0x618dcc8Ce3aeC72a14ec41580F61d3DC12a7e69C) it will mint you PXD at exchange ratio of 1 PXD for 1 MATIC. It is best to pay to speed up the transaction to pay more gas and the mint will happen faster for just a less than a penny.

Get MAINNET PixelDust(ERC20) by sending MATIC to the (PixelDust Manufacture Contract 0x618dcc8Ce3aeC72a14ec41580F61d3DC12a7e69C) it will mint you PXD at exchange ratio of 1 PXD for 1 MATIC. It is best to pay to speed up the transaction to pay more gas and the mint will happen faster for just a less than a penny.

This is Sector 0x0y and the starting map(4000x4000px) https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/token/0x27083acef1d609b0c14a66a41655cba9a9faa93f Preview

and 0x0y is divdied into 16 1000x1000pixel Parcels https://github.com/BooneTB/TheBlockchainLand-Marketplace/tree/main/src/grid, this is 0x0y A1 https://ipfs.io/ipfs/bafkreigsbaij6ifziwl6q4r43272qhltrofu6gprvbpsmko2tcldqndxbe Preview