
Devday2023 - Optimizer Power Use - Forecasting power generation and power demand at grid

Primary LanguagePython

DevDay2023 - Optimizer Power Use

Problem statement

  • Unlike other renewable energy like coal, oil and gas, electric energy is hard to store at large scale and expensive at small scale. Thus, it must be consumed in real-time as it is generated. The commercial energy company will struggle to provide to end-users with safe and stable energy. Therefore, it is important to avoid significantly exceeding the required amount of electricity.
  • Igrid Solution - a Japanese company provide services for energy consumers that want to handle that problem. So forecasting power generation and power demand at grid is great choice.

Data Description

  • Dataset (Data granularity: Half Hour):

    • Target features: Power Generation, Power demand
    • Time varying known features: Time, date
    • Time varying unknown features: weather, solar and cloud intensity
  • Metric to evaluate: (The judges called it Residual Mean Ratio Metric)

    $ RMR = \frac{sum(pred - actual)}{sum(actual)} $

  • The dataset is confidential so i can't public it.


  • Add Features:
    • Date -> Year/Month/Day and day of the week
    • Half hours from start
  • Normalization:
    • Numerical: Group Normalizer
    • Categorical: NaNLabelEncoder
  • Outlier:
    • Exponential Smoothing
    • Kalman Smoothing
  • Imputation Techniques:
    • KNN
    • Chained Equation (MICE)

Prepare Dataset

  • Train set: From 25/03/2022 to 31/01/2023
  • Validation set: From 01/02/2023 to 28/02/2023
  • Test set: From 01/03/2023 to 31/03/2023
  • Max Encoder Days: 30 days * 48 half hours in each day before the target day image




  • Get high values at some cases when predicted values are higher than double of actual values. Because there is a day in validation set that grid doesn't generate the energy because of reasons like bad weather, eletric cut, etc...
