
Python interface to the libgnme package

Primary LanguageC++


The pygnme package is a python interface to the libgnme package.


pygnme requires the pybind11 package, which can be installed with

python -m pip install pybind11

and set pybind11_DIR environment variable to [python site-packages directory]/pybind11/share/cmake/.


pygnme is packaged with a setup.py:

git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:hgaburton/pygnme.git
python -m pip install . -v --user

If an error such as ImportError: libgnme_wick.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory is encountered, add the site-packages directory corresponding to your python instance to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If cblas related errors are encountered during compilation, add the following lines to external/libgnme/CMakeLists.txt


and the following lines to external/libgnme/wick/CMakeLists.txt

target_link_libraries(gnme_wick gnme_utils "${BLAS_LIBRARIES}" )