
Primary LanguagePython

Madlibs - A Python GUI project

Technical workflow

This madlibs project relies on the use of Python's string manipulation, Regex and PySimpleGUI to create an interface.

The projects three main files are:


This file contains an object of the stories available to the app. Note that the expected word types to be entered by the user are inside curly braces({}).


This contains the string manipulation and validation functions.


  • get_word_types(story) Uses regex to find all of the word types (i.e. adverbs, nouns, verbs) that a user needs to enter to complete a story. It then extracts them into a list that is presented to PySimpleGUI, so that the GUI can render the necessary user input fields.

    story is a story from storyCollection.py

  • finish_story(userInput, story) Accepts an array of the user input, then uses regex and string formatting to replace all of the expected word types in curly braces with the corresponding user input.

    userInput is an array of the values entered by the user via the GUI story is a story from storyCollection.py

  • input_is_valid(input) Checks if input is an empty string, or a string that contains numbers.


Renders the PySimpleGUI. Note that the input fields are dynamically rendered from a list of expected word types.


The following functionalities are still a work in progress:

  • Validating the user input The input_is_valid() function discussed above is currenlty not in use. The plan is to validate input when the Lib It! button is clicked, and if erroneous; an error message will be displayed.
  • Generate buttons for different stories, allowing user to pick the one they want For this, the plan is to increase the number of stories in the storyCollection.py file, then use a function to pull out the titles. Then, dynamically render the titles as buttons that a user can use to pick a story on the landing page of the app.
  • Add a New Game button This would take the user back to the landing page of the app, and allow them to pic a new story.
  • Add tests