Lib PHP for SPARQL 1.1

Primary LanguagePHP

Build Status

Lib Sparql 1.1 HTTP Client

Very simple SparqlClient for PHP.

Thanks to contributors.


This project assumes you have composer installed. Simply add new dependency via Composer:

composer require bordercloud/sparql

To your composer.json, and then you can simply install with:

composer install

Test the lib with a php script : query

You can test your first query sparql with DBPEDIA via a command line :

./bin/query -r -e http://dbpedia.org/sparql -f ./example/queryReadDBpedia.rq

And the doc of this script with virtuoso, 4store, Allegrograph, Fuseki and Sesame :

USAGE : query [-r|-w][-e URL|--endpointQueryAndUpdate=URL]
		[--file=FILE|-f FILE]

    -r                                  READ ONLY
    -w                                  WRITE ONLY
    -e, --endpointQueryAndUpdate=URL    Put url of endpoint to do query or
                                        update :
                                            URL/update/?update=... (POST)
    -q, --endpointQueryOnly=URL         Put url of endpoint to do query :
    -u, --endpointUpdateOnly=URL        Put url of endpoint to do query :
                                            URL?update=... (POST)
    --nameParameterQuery=PARAMETER      Change the name of parameter in
                                        the request http to read.
                                        (by default : query)
    --nameParameterUpdate=PARAMETER     Change the name of parameter in
                                        the request http to write.
                                        (by default : update)
    -f,--file=File                      File of the query.
    -t, --typeOutput=TYPE               Type of response: table,txt,csv,tsv,ttl,srx,srj
                                        (by default : table)

    -l, --login=LOGIN                  Server login
    -p, --password=PASSWORD            Server password

    -v, --verbose                       Mode verbose
    -d, --debug                         Mode debug

EXAMPLE : Virtuoso
./query -w -e http://localhost/tests/ -f ./example/queryWrite1.rq

./query -r -e http://localhost/tests/ -f ./example/queryRead1.rq

EXAMPLE : 4Store
./query -w -e http://localhost/ -f ./example/queryWrite1.rq

./query -r -e http://localhost/ -f ./example/queryRead1.rq

EXAMPLE : Sesame
./query -w -q http://localhost/openrdf-sesame/repositories/tests \
 -u http://localhost/openrdf-sesame/repositories/tests/statements \
-f ./example/queryWrite1.rq

./query -r -q http://localhost/openrdf-sesame/repositories/tests \
 -u http://localhost/openrdf-sesame/repositories/tests/statements \
-f ./example/queryRead1.rq

EXAMPLE : Fuseki
./query -w -q http://localhost/tests/query \
-u http://localhost/tests/update \
-f ./example/queryWrite1.rq

./query -r -q http://localhost/tests/query \
-u http://localhost/tests/update \
-f ./example/queryRead1.rq

EXAMPLE : Allegrograph
./query -w -q http://localhost/repositories/tests \
-u http://localhost/repositories/tests \
--nameParameterUpdate=query \
-f ./example/queryWrite1.rq

./query -r -q http://localhost/repositories/tests \
-u http://localhost/repositories/tests \
--nameParameterUpdate=query \
-f ./example/queryRead1.rq


Send a simple query to Wikidata :

use BorderCloud\SPARQL\SparqlClient;

require_once ('../vendor/autoload.php');

$endpoint = "https://query.wikidata.org/sparql";
$sc = new SparqlClient();
$q = "select *  where {?x ?y ?z.} LIMIT 5";
$rows = $sc->query($q, 'rows');
$err = $sc->getErrors();
if ($err) {
    throw new Exception(print_r($err, true));

foreach ($rows["result"]["variables"] as $variable) {
    printf("%-20.20s", $variable);
    echo '|';
echo "\n";

foreach ($rows["result"]["rows"] as $row) {
    foreach ($rows["result"]["variables"] as $variable) {
        printf("%-20.20s", $row[$variable]);
        echo '|';
    echo "\n";

Send a simple query to DBpedia :

use BorderCloud\SPARQL\SparqlClient;

require_once ('../vendor/autoload.php');

$endpoint = "http://dbpedia.org/sparql";
$sc = new SparqlClient();
$q = "select *  where {?x ?y ?z.} LIMIT 5";
$rows = $sc->query($q, 'rows');
$err = $sc->getErrors();
if ($err) {
    throw new Exception(print_r($err, true));

foreach ($rows["result"]["variables"] as $variable) {
    printf("%-20.20s", $variable);
    echo '|';
echo "\n";

foreach ($rows["result"]["rows"] as $row) {
    foreach ($rows["result"]["variables"] as $variable) {
        printf("%-20.20s", $row[$variable]);
        echo '|';
    echo "\n";

Send a simple query via an endpoint sparql-auth (with OpenLink Virtuoso Open-Source Edition) :

use BorderCloud\SPARQL\SparqlClient;

require_once ('../vendor/autoload.php');

$endpoint = "https://example.com/sparql-auth";
$sc = new SparqlClient();

$q = "select *  where {?x ?y ?z.} LIMIT 5";
$rows = $sc->query($q, 'rows');
$err = $sc->getErrors();
if ($err) {
    throw new Exception(print_r($err, true));

foreach ($rows["result"]["variables"] as $variable) {
    printf("%-20.20s", $variable);
    echo '|';
echo "\n";

foreach ($rows["result"]["rows"] as $row) {
    foreach ($rows["result"]["variables"] as $variable) {
        printf("%-20.20s", $row[$variable]);
        echo '|';
    echo "\n";


Copy Sources and tests

git clone http://github.com/BorderCloud/SPARQL.git
composer install

Before to execute tests, you need to start database's instances. For example, Virtuoso 7

systemctl start docker
docker pull bordercloud/tft-virtuoso7-stable
docker run --privileged --name instance.tft_virtuoso7_stable -h tft_virtuoso7_stable -d bordercloud/tft-virtuoso7-stable

Execute PHPUnit

phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml --coverage-text


If you have remarks, questions, or suggestions, please send them to karima.rafes@bordercloud.com


  • V2.1.0 ** Add tools to detect SPARQL update queries ** Add the timeout parameter at the send of the query

  • V2.0.9 ** Fix : bugs in SPARQL client

  • V2.0.8 ** Fix : bugs when there are error messages of SPARQL services

  • V2.0.7 ** Fix : Insert the parameter User-agent in the header HTTP (for Wikidata)

  • V2.0.6 ** Fix : bug with the parser and the ASK query's results

  • V2.0.5 ** Compatibility : PHP 7.1 and psr-4 ** Rename the class Endpoint to SparqlClient and simplify the constructor. You can set the endpoints only by their setters. ** Rename several functions (PHP Lint) ** Update PHPDoc ** Add the function SparqlClient->getLastErreur() : can read the SPARQL syntax error directly, if the pattern of error exists (Add the pattern of Wikidata and Virtuoso) ** Move files and add tests + phpunit.xml. SparqlClient is coverage to 82% for the moment (coverage with Virtuoso and Wikidata). ** Enable Travis in GitHub

  • V1.2.1.0 Add fix for Wikidata and other

  • V1.1.0.0 version SPARQL.Pro lib PHP by Karima Rafes karima.rafes@bordercloud.com


SPARQL.Pro lib PHP (c)2019 by Karima Rafes - BorderCloud

SPARQL.Pro lib PHP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

You should have received a copy of the license along with this work. If not, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/.

Compile DOC

php vendor/clean/phpdoc-md/bin/phpdoc-md


Modify also the version in composer.json

git pull
git push
git tag -a 2.0.8@dev -m "version dev"
git push --tags