
This project is intended to install and use NLP Ipopt in the ubuntu ros environment. The programming language is C++ and VSCode.

Ipopt_Ubuntu Install

This project is intended to install and use NLP Ipopt in the ubuntu ros environment. The programming language is C++ and VSCode. After this, you can run the official example in /Ipopt/examples/hs071_cpp.

  • Getting System Packages (Compilers,...) sudo apt-get install gcc g++ gfortran git patch wget pkg-config liblapack-dev libmetis-dev

  • DownLoad BLAS and LAPACK sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapack-dev

  • DownLoad HSL

  1. Go to http://hsl.rl.ac.uk/ipopt.
  2. Register and login, choose to order 'HSL Academic Licence', after one working day, you will receive a download link in your email.
  3. Download 'coinhsl-2023.05.26.zip' (only 1MB). And extract. Change the folder name as coinhsl. Now in my PC, the path is boren@boren:~/Downloads$.
  4.  mkdir ThirdParty
     mv coinhsl ThirdParty/
     mkdir ThirdParty/coinhsl/build
     sudo apt-get install meson
     cd ThirdParty/coinhsl/build
    Please pay attention! Please change the path/home/boren to your own account name for the following code.
    meson setup --buildtype=release --prefix=/home/boren/Downloads/ThirdParty/ ..  
    ninja install
    cd ~/Downloads/ThirdParty
    ls #  After this, ThirdParty should has other two folders as 'include' and 'lib'.  
  5. Move HSL files (header files .h and library .so) to usr/local, one is include_directories as usr/local/include, another is target_link_directories usr/local/lib. Please pay attention to these two paths where our Ipopt will also be installed.
     sudo mv lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcoinhsl.so /usr/local/lib
     cd ~/Downloads/ThirdParty
     sudo mv include hsl  # change hsl header folder name to 'hsl'
     sudo mv hsl /usr/local/include  # move hsl header files to /usr/local/include/
     cd /usr/local/lib 
     sudo mv libcoinhsl.so libhsl.so  # the Ipopt find hsl library named 'libhsl.so', so change the name. 
    Now in the 'include_directories' /usr/local/include, you will see folder named hsl containing hsl header files, and in 'target_link_directories' /usr/local/lib, you will see libhsl.so file. We will costumize CMakeLists.txt according these two paths later.
  • Install Ipopt
     cd ~/Downloads
     git clone https://github.com/coin-or/Ipopt.git
     cd Ipopt
     mkdir build
     make test
     sudo make install
    Now in 'include_directories' /usr/local/include you can see coin-or folder, which contains the header files of Ipopt, and 'target_link_directories' /usr/local/lib, you can see Ipopt library files.

Run Ipopt Example

  • Build ros working space. In the path you like, in my case is home path, build ros work space (Please refer to Build ROS WorkSpace, from section 1 to 4.

  • Copy examples. Copy examples in /home/boren/Ipopt/examples/ ( hs071_main.cpp,hs071_nlp.cpp,hs071_nlp.hpp ), to ros packages src, in my case is opt_ws/src/opt_pack/src, where 'op_ws' is ros working space and 'opt_pack' is ros package.

  • CMakeLists.txt. Add following codes to CMakeList.txt

    add_executable(OPT src/hs071_main.cpp src/hs071_nlp.cpp)

    In VSCode terminal,

    source ./devel/setup.bash
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  • Finally, Ctrl + Shift + B compile the package, and you can run rosrun opt_pack OPT VSCode terminal and see the results.

  • In VSCode, you may see red wavy underline for #include "IpIpoptApplication.hpp" .etc, in this case, simply write as #include "coin-or/IpIpoptApplication.hpp" will be fine.