
My Scratchpay coding challenge

Primary LanguagePHP

Scratchpay code challenge

The project goal is to build an API that's queryable via HTTP and via Pub/Sub. The API will take a UTC date as an input and an integer that will represent an amount of business days past the date after which the settlement will reach the bank account.

Libraries and tools used

Holiday days used are provided by

Set-up instructions

1 -/ Clone the project from Bitbucket's repository https://bitbucket.org/borisclaude/scratchpaysettlement/src/master/

    $ git clone https://bitbucket.org/borisclaude/scratchpaysettlement.git

2 -/ After cloning done, go into the project's root folder to install project dependencies :

    $ cd scratchpaysettlement
    $ composer install

3 -/ Inside the project's root folder, copy file .env.example to .env in order to set environment file for the Laravel project :

On Linux

    $ cp -a .env.example .env

On Windows

    > copy .env.example .env

4 -/ After that, generate an app key with the command :

    $ php artisan key:generate

5 -/ Then you can run the app with :

    $ php artisan serve

6 -/ Check the running app on http://localhost:8000

Run tests

Challenge's test file is located at tests/Feature/SettlementDateTest.php

To run tests, go to the project's root folder and execute

    > vendor\bin\phpunit

API routes

Routes are located in routes/api.php