This project is a template used for our Advanced Computer Graphics course at MSU Graphics Lab, focused mostly on path tracing and more advanced global illumination algorithms.
Basically, it's a very simple ray-tracer that writes the color of the first hit to the image and provides some useful utilities like image i/o, .obj model parser, e.t.c. The template contains blank functions and TODO instructions for students to follow.
Go to the official Intel Embree Page. Download the tar.gz archive and extract it. Open CmakeLists.txt and replace the line:
set(EMBREE_INSTALL_DIR "/home/denispavlov/Software/embree-3.2.4.x86_64.linux")
with the path of your extracted Intel Embree library.
First, install CMake
with: sudo apt-get install cmake
Go to the root of the project:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Or you could just open the project with CLion.
If everything's done correctly, the program should output something like this:
If you've got any troubles with the project, feel free to email me: denis.pavlov at