
In this project i show how work a voices assistant and how do a voice assistant in the web as Google assistant or Alexa.

We develop all the phase that this interfaces using to understand us and one phase more, sentyment analyisis.

You can see a litle introduction with the next Slides.

How use


In the beging you need take a API key for tone analyze, you can follow the next instrucctions

when you have the apikey, create in the backend folder a .env file

cd backend && touch .env

And write the env variable.


Install npm dependencies

npm install

and start the server

npm start


Before to start the app you need create a agent in Dialog Flow and take the API CLIENT of agent in the settings of the agent. when you have this token, you need create a .env file in the frontend folder. cd frontend && touch .env

And write the env variable.


The frontend is a VUE app. To start the frontend you need go to the frontend folder install dependencies

npm install

and start the vue cli server

npm run serve

[wip] i'm working in do a separate the implementation by branchs