
Exfest main page

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Exfest version of Project Zeppelin


Project Zeppelin allows you to setup awesome GDG DevFest site in 5 minutes.

GDG modify this repo for their Exfest

You can find original project here.

Template is brought by GDG Lviv team.

Quick-start guide for collaborators

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clone locally
  3. Install Node.js and Ruby
  4. Run gem install bundler
  5. Install 'grunt-cli' and 'bower' globally with npm install -g grunt-cli bower
  6. $cd to the directory and run bundle install
  7. Run npm install to install the necessary "npm" dependencies
  8. Then run bower install to install the front-end dependencies
  9. Edit site variables

In Gruntfile.js edit baseurl and git_repo (destination repository):

        app: {
            source: 'app',
            dist: 'dist',
            baseurl: 'zeppelin-grunt',  // Here
            git_repo: 'git@github.com:gdg-x/zeppelin-grunt.git'  // And here

In _config.yml you should also update baseurl and url:

# Site settings
baseurl: "/zeppelin-grunt"  // Here
url: "http://gdg-x.github.io"  // And here
permalink: '/blog/:title'

Now you are ready for development. Following commands are available:

  1. grunt (by default it runs grunt serve) - build and start your site for development (with livereload, js uglifing and sass compilation)
  2. grunt serve:dist - build and start your site with production configs (this is how it will look online)
  3. grunt deploy - build and deploy your site into a repository you defined in previous steps

More documentation you can find here.


Created by Oleh Zasadnyy, GDG Lviv.


Project is published under the MIT license. Feel free to clone and modify repo as you want, but don't forget to add reference to authors :)