Our whole Github organization is not public for now. Reddit community, that was beginning all of that unfourtunately also gone. So we have moved to Codeberg
In mid-June to mid-July 2023, Medium changed their paywall method, and all old paywall bypass methods we had stopped working. So I became obsessed with the idea of creating a service to bypass Medium's paywalled posts. Honestly I am not a big fan of Medium, but I sometimes read articles to improve my knowledge.
In the first version of Freedium, we reverse-engineered Medium.com's GraphQL endpoints and built our own parser and toolkits to show you unpaywalled Medium posts. Unfortunately, Medium closed this loophole and nowadays we just pay subscriptions and share access through Freedium. Sometimes we got a bugs because of the self-written parser, but we are working to make Freedium bug-free.
We use Python, with Jinja template builder, and some JS magic in Frontend :)
We need volunteers who have Medium subscriptions because we might get banned by Medium. And if you developer you can start from the this (https://codeberg.org/Freedium-cfd/web) repository.
Speed up Freedium, and probably create open source Medium frontend in next life
- FastAPI, Gunicorn, Unicorn as worker,
- Tailwinds CSS v3
- Dragonfly (Redis like key-value database)
- Jinja2
- Python 3.9+
- Caddy
- Sentry
- Python 3.9+
- pip
- git
And probably any Linux
based distro (like Arch btw).
git clone https://github.com/Freedium-cfd/web ./web
cd ./web
pip install -r requirements.txt
# for linux also do: pip install -r requirements-fast.txt
pip install ./core
pip install ./rl_string_helper
Now we need configure our Freedium instance. Copy .env_template
to .env
configuration file and set values, required for you.
If you have linux, execute ./script/start_dev.sh
and open in browser 'localhost:6752'. That will execute Caddy reverse proxy.
If you have other OS or want test without reverse proxy, you can execute server using command python3 -m server server
and access by address 'localhost:7080':