Personal Website – Bogdan Borodi

Welcome to my personal website! This website serves as a portfolio and a showcase of my skills, projects, and professional experiences.


The website was built using React for the frontend, Firebase for backend services such as authentication and database management, and it is hosted on Netlify. It is designed to be fast, responsive, and a clean representation of my personal and professional background.


  • About Me: A section dedicated to introducing myself, my background, and my professional journey.
  • Projects: A detailed overview of the projects I’ve worked on, including technologies used and challenges solved.
  • Blog: A regularly updated blog where I share insights on technology, development practices, and personal reflections on my journey as a developer.
  • Responsive Design: The site is fully responsive and accessible on all device types.
  • Portfolio Showcase: A visually appealing gallery of my best works and achievements.


My blog, available here, is a space where I share my thoughts on technology, programming, and personal growth. Topics include tutorials, industry insights, reflections on development trends, and lessons learned throughout my journey. The blog is regularly updated and serves as an extension of my portfolio, offering visitors a deeper look into my knowledge and experiences.

Technologies Used

  • Frontend: Built using React, a powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Backend: Integrated with Firebase, providing real-time data and authentication services.
  • Hosting: Deployed and hosted using Netlify, ensuring fast load times and reliability.

Website Structure

  1. Home Page: A landing page with a quick summary and a visual intro to who I am and what I do.
  2. About Section: A more in-depth look at my journey, skills, and expertise.
  3. Projects Section: A showcase of my portfolio projects with descriptions, technologies, and links.
  4. Blog: Insights on technology, programming, and personal reflections.

How It Was Made

This website was developed with a focus on simplicity, performance, and showcasing my skills as a developer:

  • React: The website is entirely built in React, which allows for dynamic component-based UI updates, providing a seamless user experience.
  • Firebase: Firebase was used to handle backend features such as authentication (if needed) and storing blog posts.
  • Netlify: The site is deployed on Netlify, offering continuous deployment and fast global delivery.

Live Demo

You can check out the live site here.

This website is a reflection of my personal growth and the projects I have worked on. Feel free to explore the blog, check out my portfolio, and thank you for visiting!