
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Mass Spectrometry Automatic Recognition Integrated Service

Package of classes, methods and function to perform search of isotope patterns, their identification and identifying their formulas


To install last version from pypi following command can be used

pip install msaris==0.1.8b2

It is also possible to install from cloned repository via sdist installation

python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel

It is recommended to run package and associated script in isolated python virtual environment For creating environment venv or virtualenv can be used


Example of running isotope pattern recognition presented in example workflow.
Code in jupyter notebook can be adjusted to own .mzML files.
Plotting and report creation in notebook presented as example can be used in code.
To see examples proceed to example folder

It shall be pointed that current version adjusted for one PdCl2 and CuCl solutions in acetonitrile. Future versions would expand applications for other systems.