
Contains logic for:

  • sending sms on login and it's verification
  • support resend functionality by asking linked mobile phone

To install the SMS Authenticator:

Add the jar with dependencies to the Keycloak server:

  • $ cp target/keycloak-sms-authenticator-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar _KEYCLOAK_HOME_/standalone/deployments/

Configure your REALM to use the SMS Authentication. First create a new REALM (or select a previously created REALM).

Under Authentication > Flows:

  • Copy 'Browse' flow to 'Browser with SMS' flow
  • Click on 'Actions > Add execution on the 'Browser with SMS Forms' line and add the 'SMS Authentication'
  • Set 'SMS Authentication' to 'REQUIRED'

Under Authentication > Bindings:

  • Select 'Browser with SMS' as the 'Browser Flow' for the REALM.

Make sure that all users has mobile_number attribute.

One everything done on login you will be asked for sms code which you can find in logs.

For real world application just replace LogsSmsProducer with your implementation.


  • use docker compose to start keycloak
  • put jar inside ./_infrastructure/keycloak/deployments/ to deploy and test functionality