Jaxon is the fastest JSON parser that can stream any JSON document without holding it all in memory.
Jaxon fully conforms to the RFC 8259 and ECMA 404 standards and is tested against JSONTestSuite.
- Make an alternative parser in Elixir, for those who don't want to use NIFs.
- JSON events to string Encoder.
def deps do
{:jaxon, "~> 1.0"}
Decode a binary:
iex> Jaxon.decode(~s({"jaxon":"rocks","array":[1,2]}))
{:ok, %{"array" => [1, 2], "jaxon" => "rocks"}}
iex> Jaxon.decode!(~s({"jaxon":"rocks","array":[1,2]}))
%{"array" => [1, 2], "jaxon" => "rocks"}
Query a binary JSON stream:
iex> stream = [~s({"jaxon":"rocks","array":[1,2]})]
iex> stream |> Jaxon.Stream.query([:root, "array", :all]) |> Enum.to_list()
[1, 2]
Query a binary JSON stream using JSON path expressions:
iex> stream = [~s({"jaxon":"rocks","array":[1,2]})]
iex> stream |> Jaxon.Stream.query(Jaxon.Path.decode!("$.array[*]")) |> Enum.to_list()
[1, 2]
Query a large file without holding the whole file in memory:
|> File.stream!()
|> Jaxon.Stream.query([:root, "users", :all, "id"])
|> Enum.to_list()
Jaxon first parses the JSON string into a list of events/tokens:
iex(1)> Jaxon.Parsers.NifParser.parse(~s({"key":true}))
[:start_object, {:string, "key"}, :colon, {:boolean, true}, :end_object]
These are all the available events:
{:string, binary}
{:integer, integer}
{:decimal, float}
{:boolean, boolean}
{:incomplete, binary}
{:error, binary}
Which means that it can also parse a list of JSON tokens, even if the string is not a valid JSON representation:
iex> Jaxon.Parser.parse(~s("this is a string" "another string"))
[{:string, "this is a string"}, {:string, "another string"}]
This makes it very flexible when decoding files and lets us use different implementations for parsers, at the moment the default parser is written in C as a NIF. It can be changed in the config like this:
config :jaxon, :parser, Jaxon.Parsers.NifParser # only NifParser is supported at the moment
Then, the decoder's job is to take a list of events and aggregate it into a Elixir term:
iex(4)> Jaxon.Decoder.events_to_term([:start_object, {:string, "key"}, :colon, {:boolean, true}
, :end_object])
{:ok, %{"key" => true}}
All the parser does is take a binary and return a list of JSON events, the NIF respects the Erlang scheduler and tries to run for a maximum of one millisecond, yielding to the VM for another call if it runs over the limit.
Jaxon (using the NIF parser) performance is similar and often faster than jiffy and jason.
To run the benchmarks, execute:
mix bench.decode
See the benchmarks here: benchmarks
Copyright © 2018 Mohamed Boudra <mohamed@boudra.me>
This project is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more details.
Developed at Sqlify.io for big data JSON parsing.