The .net core API project shows how to work with localization

To configure

In appsettings.json we should to set db connection string with name 'LocalizationsDb' or rename it in the ServiceCollectionExtensions class

In Startup class you need to add two calls:

  • services.AddLocalizationService(Configuration); in the ConfigureServices method
  • app.AddLocalizationApp(); in the Configure method

How to use

Inject IStringLocalizer where you need it and use it with text

public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase
    private readonly IStringLocalizer _localize;

    public WeatherForecastController(IStringLocalizer localize)
        _localize = localize;
    public string Test()
        return _localize["Message"];

How it works

Using indexers, we return from the database by the key the Resource object, from which we form an instance of the LocalizedString class. CreateStringLocalizer method determines the data context, initializes the database and returns the EFStringLocalizer object. And this object then will be used for localization.

How to test

In the Postman call endpoint:

What to add

  • Work with cache (MemoryCache). We must get the data from the database and store it in memory. In the future, we should work with localized variables only from memory. We should rewrite follow methods to work with memory
    • EFStringLocalizer.GetAllStrings
    • EFStringLocalizer.GetString

The basic idea is to get the data from the database and store it in memory for further use