
Create a usb boot drive with support for legacy BIOS and 32/64bit UEFI in a single partition on Linux

How to create a 64-bit linux install USB stick that is bootable on a Mac with 32bit EFI (pre 2008 MacBook)

A usb drive with only 1 partition to load grub2 on usb-bootable machines with Legacy BIOS, 64bit UEFI or 32bit UEFI.

Partition the drive and install grub2

Warning: the usb drive will be formatted, save your data before proceeding!

First of all, on you current installation, check if the folder /usr/lib/grub/ exists and is not empty. If it is empty or does not exist, make sure the package grub-common (or equivalent for your distribution) version 2 or higher is installed. Depending on the system, /usr/lib/grub/ will contain one or more of the following folders: x86_64-efi, x86_64-efi-signed, i386-pc, i386-efi, ...

The x86_64-efi, i386-pc and i386-efi folders need to be present in order to install the corresponding bootloader on the usb drive.

Install them using the package manager, for instance on Ubuntu :

sudo apt install grub-efi-ia32-bin

Now, find the device file for your usb drive. Here, the file is /dev/sdX. Replace X with the appropriate lower case letter(s) in the commands.

Make sure it's the right drive! (check the capacity and the partitions) :

lsblk # Shows your drives

Erase the USB-stick

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX You can interrupt with ctrl-c after around 10 seconds

Open fdisk :

sudo fdisk /dev/sdX


o <enter> # Create a new empty DOS partition table

n <enter> # Create a new partition

p <enter> # Select primary partition type

<enter> # Set partition number to 1 (default)

<enter> # Start partition at the first possible sector (default)

+50M # Set partition end to first possible sector + 50 Megabyte (make the partion 50 Mb)

t <enter> # Change partition type

ef <enter> # Set partition type to EFI (FAT-12/16/32)

a <enter> # Enable the bootable flag on partition 1

n <enter> # Create a new partition

p <enter> # Select primary partition type

<enter> # Set partition number to 2 (default)

<enter> # Start partition at the first possible sector (default)

<enter> # Set partition end to last possible sector (default)

w <enter> # Write the partition table

Create a fresh filesystem in the newly created partition 1 :

sudo mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sdX1

Mount the filesystem :

sudo mount -o umask=000 /dev/sdX1 /mnt

Install /EFI/BOOT/BOOTIA32.EFI and other grub files required for 32-bit UEFI :

sudo grub-install --removable --boot-directory=/mnt/boot --efi-directory=/mnt --target=i386-efi /dev/sdX

Create a grub.cfg file :

touch /mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg

Download an Peppermint image and extract it to partition2 of the USB-stick:

Note: make sure there is enough space on the usb drive.

sudo dd /path/to/Peppermint-10-20191210-amd64.iso /dev/sdX2 bs=1M

Edit grub.cfg :

nano /mnt/boot/grub/grub.cfg

Write or paste something like this :
set root=(hd0,2)
configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Save grub.cfg (in nano) :





Unmount the filesystem :

sudo umount /mnt