Google Africa Developer Scholarship (GADS2020) (Sponsors: Google, Andela & Pluralsight )

Google Cloud Practice Project:

TRACK: Associate Cloud Engineer


NAME: Abdulqudus Olubaji


GADS 2020 phase II practice project tasks involves showing competency in using gcloud command line and also providing proof of completed labs. To verify participant's proficient use of google cloud shell, participants were asked to perfrom the below listed tasks.

The learning aspects

Professional cloud engineers use a lot of automation and therefore scripting of solutions instead of clicking around in the UI of the web administration. Also using git and version control to store and monitor those scripts is a common use case. Learners are gently guided towards this professional handling using both approaches. The translation of Cloud Console instructions to easy to use commands in the Cloud Shell helps to foster the understanding and knowledge of cloud computing in GCP. Selection of labs shall be based on the curriculum and official study guide of the ACE exam as described by Google on their certification website. Furthermore Qwiklabs hosts Speedrun competitions regularly and promotes them on Twitter and Medium. Without knowledge and use of CLI tools participants cannot compete in those Speedruns.

The challenge(s)

The Cloud challenge is divided in two parts: Complete of 10-15 selected hands-on labs on Qwiklabs and submitting proof of such per screenshot based on the email received. “Translation” of 2-3 selected labs from Console instructions to 100% command line instructions.

Engagement of learners:

Cloud learners are requested to complete the requested tasks and then finally submit their public repository on Github via Google Forms back to us.


The result of both challenges shall be documented in a Github repository How to get started with Github is an available course to learners via the Associate Cloud Engineer Foundational Deep Dive Channel (2020) Submit the documented github repo to the GADS Team here -



Below are the list of 15 Qwiklabs hand-on labs i have sleceted and completed with screenshots available in the folder "screenshots":













>>>AK8S-06 Creating Kubernetes Engine Deployments

>>>AK8S-07 Deploying Jobs on Kubernetes Engine

>>>AK8S-11 Configuring Pod Autoscaling and NodePools


Below are the list of 3 Qwiklabs hand-on labs i have sleceted and completed with markdown files available in the folder "Translations":


>>>VPC Networking



Certificate - Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer

Cloud Enthusiast on a journey of switching my career to the I.T. Industry. A participant of Google Africa Developer Scholarship 2020. Where over 30,000 participants from different countries in Africa took part in the 2020 GADS program, having passed through all the qualification phases successfully.

As one of the top 1000 participants who got to the final stage, I received a free voucher from google to write the Google Certified - Associate Cloud Engineer Certification Exam.

Currently in search for unpaid work (Internship) to improve my cloud skills with the end goal of becoming a Google Certified Professional Cloud DevOps Engineer.