Title Description Tags
Chain Watcher for Torn City
A Discord bot written in Python for supporting players of Torn City - Browser game


Project description

This bot is designed to help users to keep track of the Chain timers. It will show a timer on the selected channel which uses Torn API to fetch the timeout of the chain. Just before the chain dies it will notify the users of a specific group in order to keep the chain alive.

Bot Template

This example starts a Discord bot using discord.py.

Deploy on Railway

The Watcher is currently deployed using Railway. Manually configure to go live each time changes are applied on main repository.

✨ Features

  1. Uses Discord.py
  2. Uses Torn API calls (limited to 30 seconds)
  3. Creates a timer
  4. Notifies users
  5. Cooldown function between messages

💁‍♀️ How to use

  • Install packages using pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Create a .env file containing Discord Token, Channel Key and User Roles ID.
  • Start the bot using python main.py

📝 Notes

This is a basic bot with the prefix !, more information can be founded at their offical documentation.