
Client for the Jellyfin Hardware Survey Server (https://hwa.jellyfin.org/). Benchmarks hardware performance for simultaneous ffmpeg transcoding, enabling detailed comparisons and insights for optimizing Jellyfin setups.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


jellybench_py is a benchmarking tool designed to measure the performance of hardware when handling simultaneous ffmpeg transcoding processes. This tool tests how many parallel ffmpeg transcoding processes a system can manage, providing detailed insights into hardware performance.

The benchmark results can be uploaded to the central Jellyfin Hardware Survey Server, allowing users to compare their hardware's performance with other systems. This facilitates easy visualization of the results and serves as a valuable resource for Jellyfin users looking to optimize their transcoding capabilities.

jellybench_py QuickStart Guide


This is an Alpha Version of the Client. It has not been properly tested, nor implemented for all Platforms yet! Use at your own risk.


This hardware benchmark will use all system ressources available.


The Benchmark will take multiple hours to finish. Make sure to run it, when the system is not used.


By default the client will use the official Jellyfin Hardware Survey Server on https://hwa.jellyfin.org/. The script will not upload any Test results without seperate user confirmation. It will only load the tests and test files based on your Operating System and Architecture.

Software Requirements

jellybench_py is built as a python module via poetry. Therefore you need to have at least python 3.11.2 and poetry installed on your system. poetry is installed via pipx using: pipx install poetry If you do not have pipx installed, follow the official install guide

Installing jellybench_py

  1. Clone the GitHub Repository git clone https://github.com/BotBlake/jellybench_py
  2. Go into the jellybench_py Folder cd jellybench_py
  3. Switch to the development branch git switch develop
  4. Open the venv shell poetry shell
  5. Install Dependencies poetry install
    (To exit the Shell: exit)


Since the state of the software often Changes, you might have to do some "additional steps" to ensure its running correctly. They are explained down below in the additional Steps section.

Running jellybench_py

  1. open the poetry shell poetry shell
  2. run the script jellybench


By default this will use the official Jellyfin Hardware Survey Server https://hwa.jellyfin.org/. If you want to run from a custom Server, use the --server {url} option

If you want / need specific info about all the CLI Arguments, run jellybench -h

Hardware Control

To reduce Test Runtime you can disable certain hardware reducing the number of tests you run.

  • CPU based tests can be disabled using the --nocpu flag
  • GPU based tests can be disabled using the --gpu 0 option or by selecting 0 in the interactive GPU selector
  • If the CPU and GPU are disabled the program will error out saying "ERROR: All Hardware Disabled"

Path specification

Since the Script downloads ffmpeg AND video files, you have the option to specify a Path for both. If the files are already existing there, they will not be redownloaded.

  • Path to video directory via --videos {path}
  • Path to ffmpeg portable directory via --ffmpeg {path}

Additional Steps

During development jellybench_py may require you to set up specific things manually these will change over Time

  • Make sure you are on the latest version git pull
  • Take a Look into the "Current Issues" section

Current Issues

You will find a List of currently known issues below. These will change over time, so please ensure you check this section regularly for any changes.

Server Specifies Incorrect Decoders

Currently, the official HWA server is sending out faulty data. For more details and updates, check JPVenson/Jellyfin.HardwareVisualizer#9 .


Running the script with the faulty HWA server will result in long runtimes and useless output files. Proceed with caution!

Download Paths Have Changed

The official HWA server is currently providing deprecated download URLs for the test files.
A temporary workaround is to manually download the files from here and place them in the correct directory. For updates, see JPVenson/Jellyfin.HardwareVisualizer#12 .


Running the script with the official server will result in a crash during the download process.

NvEnc Driver Limitations

NVIDIA imposes a limit on the maximum number of NvEnc streams for consumer-grade GPUs through the driver. This limitation currently leads to significantly increased runtimes on affected devices.


If you are using an NVIDIA consumer-grade GPU and have not implemented a workaround for this limitation, it is recommended to avoid testing on such devices. Runtimes will be significantly extended!