
New issue, after some time of usage

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I have a new quite big issue.
My scooter is turning off during ride and I am not able to turn on it again, only way to repair it is to load again BMS firmware via UART.
It's happen already three times and there is no scheme... first time it was when I braked, second time, when I just drive freely (I though it is because of the KERS, so after another BMS firmware uploading, I used also different settings for scooter firmware, where KERS was turned off and braking max current reduced to 22000mA)
Unfortunately third time it happen when I just drive and tried to add slowly a little torque.

The only scheme is that it always happen after second battery charging..
so the procedure is:

  1. I'm loading BMS firmware, with scooter fully charged
  2. I can drive as I want, without any issues (also switching scooter on and off multiple times)
  3. When battery is low I charge the battery
  4. I can turn on scooter and start to drive
  5. After few hundred meters (max. it was ~1km, min. 100m) scooter is switching off and I have to come back to first point

Can that be some software issue?

BotoX commented

Try debug_print() when it happens for starters.
Also instead of flashing firmware again you can just unplug the balance connector and plug it in again to reset the BMS.
And how is your second battery connected? That might be part of the issue.

"debug print()" doesn't work. I tried to unplug balance connector and reset BMS by shorting RST and GND, nothing works. The only way to resurrect BMS is firmware uploading.

I was partially wrong. When I unplugged balance connector nothing happened, but when I tried to reset BMS (second time) by shortcuting between GND and RST it worked and BMS scooter start to work without firmware upload