
DNS-Over_TLS proxy server

Primary LanguagePython


DNS-Over-TLS server is used to send DNS queries over an encrypted connection, by default, DNS query is sent over the plain text connection. This project is to design and develop a DNS proxy. A DNS proxy is a DNS forwarder that acts as a DNS resolver for client programs but requires an upstream DNS server, Cloudflare DNS server is used in this project as upstream DNS server, to perform the DNS lookup. It receives queries from the clients and forward it to the cloudflare DNS server for the results.

Getting Started

Source code: DNS-TLS-server-proxy.py

Code is written in Python2.7

In this server, I have used Cloudflare dns-over-tls ( for quering the client requests.

  • It will create a socket connection and bind it with the Docker's network ( on port 53
  • Receive UDP DNS requests on this connection and create a thread for the request and run requesthandler
  • RequestHandler will call the function to create TLS connection cloudflare dns server on port 853 using self-signed certificate and after that convert UDP request into TCP DNS query and send it to Cloudflare DNS server over the tcp connection, when the server got TCP answer from Cloudflare DNS server, it will convert it into UDP and respond to the client over the same Docker network socket connection
  • Currently, It is handling nslookup and dig requests


To run this project:

  • Create docker image by using Dockerfile which is in the root directory by run this command:
    • docker build -t dns-server .
  • Create docker network by using this command:
    • docker network create --subnet testNetwork
  • Run the container by using that docker image we created in the previous step by run this command:
    • docker run --net testNetwork -it dns-server
  • Update your /etc/resolv.conf file for the nslookup by adding the nameserver entry:
    • nameserver #container local ip
  • You can test this by making nslookup or dig request
    • nslookup yahoo.com
    • nslookup -type=aaaa www.google.com
    • dig @ -p 53 google.com
  • On successful response server will give 200 response code

Security concerns

Everything has its pros and cons. Here we are using TLS/TCP to secure our pipelines and send DNS queries over those encrypted pipeline. But there are also some known security concerns with TLS, when browser send request to the DNS proxy server and then proxy server will create TCP connection with Upstream DNS server, man-in-the-middle can spoof traffic between browser and dns server and add/edit datagram and send it over the TCP connection.

And some could get access to the buffer also to get the stored/cached information about the domain names. Also, there are some OpenSSL concerns involved but it can overcome by using the proper keys and signed certificates.

Microservices Architecture

It is better to take this in microservice due to being highly available and scalable, and security is dependent on the designed security of the whole microservices environment, just like If we are running these in docker containers, containers are not that highly isolated as compare to VMs. And they are shairng the same Kernal host and can also communicate with eachother on the same host.


There are alot more things that we can add in this project:

  • Caching feature (store new results into the buffer for the better performance)
  • Can reduce overhead of TLS connection and the handshake process again and again on each request, by checking the client addr. Application should have to maintain the socket connections for the specific time period.
  • We can also add other available DNS-over-TLS servers like Quad9 and Cleanbrowsing.
  • Handle requests from browser directly, by updating the iptables may be or adding our own proxy ip in the browser settings.
  • Block ip, if dns server is getting too much requests from the same ip in the specific time period.