If you are coming from a specific video, you can have a look at the commits, they are named like: 'video-01: asd', 'video-02: asd', so you can switch to a commit/merge commit and see what exactly had been done, since this repo is currently evolving and sometimes parts of it are rewritten in newer videos.

instructions to run the project

1. Switch to branch develop to get the latest changes

2. Add an environment file to the project

Add a .env file in the api folder (at the top of your api folder, so nest can find it)

  • add your own DATABASE_URL in the .env file
  • add your own JWT_SECRET in the .env file

Adding the Database Url is explained in the first video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pFKw5iLL4s
You can use the free database from www.elephantsql.com (explained in the first video)

JWT Secret:
Explained in the third video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbDDSylRM04

Example of file:

DATABASE_URL=<your url>  

Start the Backend in dev Mode after you added the .env file

cd api
npm install
npm run start:dev

Start the Frontend in dev Mode after you added the .env file

cd frontend
npm install
ng serve

Start the e2e tests

cd e2e
npm install
npm run cypress:open

Generate e2e Report (html)

npm run cypress:report

Youtube Playlist Links

Blog Project only NestJS Videos

Blog Project only Angular Videos

Blog Project All Videos https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVfq1luIZbSmJIuw_EZVP9mFiMED5fGIn