
Burd is a decentralized microblogging platform built on the Versatus' LASR (Language Agnostic Stateless Rollup), allowing users to churp, like, and manage their digital identity cryptographically. This project leverages @versatus/versatus-javascript to interact with LASR, enabling secure and verifiable transactions for social interactions.

Deploying BURD

cd lasr
bun install
bunx lasrctl build burd.ts
bunx lasrctl test -b burd -i burd-inputs
bunx lasrctl deploy -b burd -a your-name -n burd -p "BURD" -s BURD --initializedSupply 100 -t 100 --txInputs '{"imgUrl":"https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GKuNIgAa4AALDce?format=jpg&name=medium","collection":"burd"}' --createTestFilePath burd-inputs/burd-create.json

Starting Frontend

Take the returned program address from the deployment and update NEXT_PUBLIC_BURD_PROGRAM_ADDRESS in the .env file. Add the address from the lasr/.lasr/wallet/keypair.json to the NEXT_PUBLIC_BURD_OWNER_ADDRESS variable to the .env file. Add the deployer's secret key to the BURD_OWNER_SECRET_KEY variable in the .env file.

cd frontend
bun install
bun dev


  • Churp: Users can post churps on their profile.
  • Like: Users can like churps, showing appreciation for content.
  • User Management: Users can create a profile with a username, handle, and profile picture.
  • Churp Management: Users can delete their churps.


The Burd program enables several actions that can be performed on the blockchain:

  • Add User: Create a new user profile on the blockchain.
  • Churp: Post a new churp from your profile.
  • Like: Like an existing churp.
  • Delete Churp: Remove a churp from your profile.

To interact with the program, use the provided methods through a command line interface or integrate them into your application.


Contributions are what make the open-source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project.
  2. Create your Feature Branch.
  3. Commit your Changes.
  4. Push to the Branch.
  5. Open a Pull Request.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Project Link: https://github.com/versatus/versatus-burd