
The ft_irc project is an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server. The project involves creating a server that allows multiple clients to connect and communicate with each other through various IRC commands. The server also supports channels, where clients can join and communicate with each other.

Primary LanguageC++


IRC Server:

This is an implementation of an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) server in C++.

Getting Started:


To compile and run this project, you will need a C++ compiler that supports C++ 98 standard, as well as the make utility.


To build the server, simply run the make command in the root directory of the project. This will generate an executable file called ircserv.


To start the server, run the ircserv executable file. The server will listen for incoming connections. You can specify a different port number(6660...6669) as a command-line argument, like so:

  • ./ircserv 6661

This will start the server on port 6661 instead.


The IRC server supports the following commands:

  • PASS: Used to set a 'connection password'.
  • NICK: Used to give user a nickname or change the existing one.
  • USER: Used at the beginning of connection to specify the username, hostname and realname of a new user.
  • QUIT: A client session is terminated with a quit message.
  • JOIN: Used by a user to request to start listening to the specific channel.
  • PART: Causes the user sending the message to be removed from the list of active members for all given channels.
  • MODE: Is provided so that users may query and change the characteristics of a channel.
  • TOPIC: Used to change or view the topic of a channel.
  • NAMES: Used to list all nicknames that are visible to user.
  • LIST: Used to list channels and their topics.
  • INVITE: Used to invite a user to a channel.
  • KICK: Used to request the forced removal of a user from a channel.
  • PRIVMSG: Used to send private messages between users, as well as to send messages to channels.
  • NOTICE: Used similarly to PRIVMSG.
  • WHOIS: Used to query information about particular user.
  • BOT: Used to interpret and execute commands given by users.


The server uses the TCP/IP protocol to communicate with clients. It uses the poll system call to handle multiple connections simultaneously.

The server is implemented as a single-threaded event loop. Incoming connections are accepted and added to a list of connected clients. Whenever data is received from a client, the server parses the data and performs the appropriate action (e.g. join a channel, send a message, etc.).
