
Welcome to CyberCare. Your online doctors office. Here you can do everything from finding heart-healthy recipes, to finding what disease you may have, to overcoming depression.


CyberCare Demo

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We wanted to make an online doctor's office that is accessible from anywhere online at We thought about how we can make a difference in the healthcare industry about how expensive healthcare is. Just checking on what disease you may have is up to $100, yoga and other self-care parts are up to $20 per class, and how therapy just teaching you how to try overcoming issues like depression is up to $50 per session. We wanted to change this and let all of this be free from anywhere. We do of course accept donations.

What it does

Our website allows any users to learn, do, and overcome. Our disease check for example uses AI to detect what disease you may have based on your symptoms with a 90% accuracy. We also have a Routines page currently only containing stretches, Tabata, and skincare, but we have plans to add more. We also NutriSearch and ReciSearch which help you find healthy foods and recipes giving you all the necessary knowledge like the time of preparal, nutrition facts, filters(gluten-free, vegan, gmo-free, etc.).On top of that, we have the Mental health page which has routines/things to try to help overcome any mental health issues. There are also meditation routines we recommend for different issues and an ASMR page. We researched the best ASMR from all over the web for different uses like sleep and focus. Last but not least we have wight tools that include a weight calculator and BMI calculator.

How we built it

For the disease check, we built an AI using Pyxeda. Our data was taken straight from For the routines and mental health parts we did thorough research and implemented it with style. For everything else we used different APIs like edamam-nutrition and made a front end for it in our website.

Challenges we ran into

The recording was really hard as we did this online. There was a lot of background noise, and I had a terrible microphone. We edited as best we could to make it work though. We didn't actually run into any major issues building it, as after the research was complete and we had a vision for the design, we just started coding which while there were minor errors at first, the building process was straightforward.

What's next for CyberCare

We plan to make this a big website and the next big doctor's office continuously adding more to this website like infection checkers, and adding more to what we already have like a page on ADHD or a gender factor to our disease checker.