Tool scrapes the status pages of AWS, Azure, GCP and reports the status of each service. It always reports in text format to stdout and can also dump to Mongo.
- Mongodb server
- Database created
- User with read/write access to the database
- User must be created and auth'd in this database
usage: raindrops status -r|--report (down|up|all) [-h|--help] -c|--cloud
(google|amazon|azure|all) [-m|--mongo-url "<value>"]
[-u|--username "<value>"] [-p|--password "<value>"]
[-d|--mongo-dbname "<value>"]
scrape current statii
-r --report report if services are types.Down, types.Up, or
types.All. For the Google platform, we only retrieve if
the service is types.Down.
-h --help Print help information
-c --cloud which platforms to report on
-m --mongo-url The url to mongo
-u --username mongo username
-p --password mongo password
-d --mongo-dbname db name to use
usage: raindrops incidents [-h|--help] -c|--cloud (google|amazon|azure|all)
[-m|--mongo-url "<value>"] [-u|--username "<value>"]
[-p|--password "<value>"] [-d|--mongo-dbname "<value>"]
scrape incident descriptions
-h --help Print help information
-c --cloud which platforms to report on
-m --mongo-url The url to mongo
-u --username mongo username
-p --password mongo password
-d --mongo-dbname db name to use