
Powerful, embeddable cart and checkout.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Moltin Embeddable Cart + Checkout

A buy button, a cart, a checkout, a customer login. All without writing a single line of JavaScript!

Read more about Shopkit


You can use Shopkit anywhere you can insert custom HTML.

Step 1

First, you'll need to enable Stripe as a payment gateway via the Dashboard UI or API directly.

You'll find your Stripe publishable key and secret key via the Stripe Dashboard.

Shopkit only works with Stripe during BETA.

Step 2

Add the following snippet before the </body> tag on your website to enable Shopkit. You'll want to populate your Moltin client id and Stripe publishable key here.


Step 3

Add a Cart button with the following code:

<span class="moltin-cart-button"></span>

You can change the buttons behaviour with additional properties.

Step 4

Add a Buy button with the following code:

<span class="moltin-buy-button" data-moltin-product-id="..."></span>

You can change the buttons behaviour with additional properties. You can also use the button with a custom product outside of Moltin.

Buy Button

You can add as many Buttons to your website as you like. All you need is:

<span class="moltin-cart-button" data-moltin-product-id="..."></span>


The default text for a button is Add to Cart. You can change the default text by providing a data-moltin-text="Add to Basket" attribute to your button.


  data-moltin-text="Add to Basket"

Open cart on click

The default behaviour when clicking on a button is to silently add the items to the cart and update the cart button total.

You can automatically open the cart once an item has been added by providing a data-moltin-open-cart="true" attribute to your button.



Custom item

You can add custom items to the cart that don't belong inside your Moltin catalog.

Simply omit the data-moltin-product-id attribute and add all of the following attributes:


Cart button

You can add as many cart buttons to your page. All you need is:

<span class="moltin-cart-button"></span>


The default text for a cart button is Cart. You can change the default text by providing a data-moltin-text="Basket" attribute to your button.


<span class="moltin-cart-button" data-moltin-text="Basket"></span>

Show total

By default the cart button shows the number of items in the cart alongside the text defined above. You can change this behaviour by providing a data-moltin-show-total="true" attribute to your button.


<span class="moltin-cart-button" data-moltin-show-total="true"></span>

Global configuration

Override styles

By default Shopkit ships with a blue theme. You can change the colours by overriding the CSS classes. Somewhere in your <head> you will want to add the following:

  .shopkit-primary {
    background: orange !important;
  .shopkit-primary-text {
    color: orange !important;


  1. Clone repo
  2. Use yarn to install dependencies
  3. Run yarn dev and webpack will open example/index.html

The example playground uses the demo.moltin.com API keys.


Shopkit versioning is based on semver and the angular commit convention. Releasing is automatically triggered by semantic-release.

We should recommend users use the specific version unpkg url, e.g. https://unpkg.com/@moltin/shopkit@1.0.0/index.js.

You can optionally deploy to btn.moltin.com which should be used for those wanting to develop on master. You can deploy by running yarn deploy.