
A badgeView that you can drag like QQ. 像QQ一样可以拖拽的 badgeView 。

Primary LanguageSwift

####It was just one file and writen with swift, you can add to you project easily.

##What is it look like?

##How to Use?

####Add this file to you project, and write the code below, it's so simple!

let dragBadgeView = DragBadge(frame: CGRectMake(200, 200, 20, 20))

####You can change the title at any place:

dragBadgeView.title = "38"

####If you want to change the color and the max length to drag, then:

dragBadgeView.dragColor = UIColor.redColor()
dragBadgeView.maxLength = 200

####But make sure it will be writen before setUp() method!!!