Basic Shell Impementation Using C


-Mohit kuri (20161141)

Building and Implementation:

-First run the command *make* in the project directory.
-The run *./run* to run the shell and start interacting with it.


  • All the basic tasks given have been implemented.
  • SemiColon separated commands accepted, but while using this, you have to give spaces between commands and semi-colons.
  • Piping and redirections have been implemented.
  • Modularity : All the different commands' functions have been defined in different files.
  • One single header file run.h containing all the global variables.
  • We have defined a Makefile that has all the operations of compiling all the files.
  • Ctrl-C cannot exit the shell.
  • Ctrl-C will close a running process.
  • quit command for quitting the shell.
  • No exec command is used.