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This is my personal repository of obsidian-excalidraw-plugin custom scripts.

It implements many useful/interesting features to enhance the experience of using Excalidraw.

Some scripts rely on modified version to Obsidian-Excalidraw, while others don't require any dependencies.

You can find the demo obsidian vault at obsidian-excalidraw-example-vault, that includes the modified plugin and many custom scripts. You can directly open it with Obsidian and experience the features. Here is a demonstration video.

Features (Uploading...)

feature scripts image
mindmap - autorun-_renderInteractiveScene_Hook
- autorun-deleteSelectedElementsHook
- autorun-handleCanvasPointerUp_Hook
- autorun-onKeyDownHook
- autorun-onPointerDownHook
- _autorun-utils
- add mind map
- Mindmap format2
- clear ea Mindmap
- replace mindmap node

md <=> ex mindmap - export mindmap to md
- tp.excalidraw.mindmap
Convert line and arrow to right angle convert line to Right-angle.md Image
Convert line and arrow to elbow (round edge) convert connection shape to elbow.md Image
Show outline by kanban show outline by frame - kanban.md Image
Set arrow head Set arrow type.md Image
Insert vertical space insert vertical space.md Image
insert vertical space (limited by width) insert vertical space with width.md Image
insert image to current excalidraw (http server) add image server.md Image
Connect elements sequence in x direction connect elements sequece by x Image
Connect elements sequence in y direction connect elements sequece by y Image
Connect elements to mindmap structure connect elements sequece by y Image
Library grouping & on-demand loading. load more library ImageImage
drag and stretch custom-shaped arrows while keeping the arrowhead - add fixed and dragable for line
- autorun-handlePointDraggingHook
Expand/collapse details - add detail - detail
- add detail - target
- autorun-handleCanvasPointerUp_detail_Hook
Automatic connection feature (elbow connection, curve connection, attaching to connection points) - autorun-binding
- autorun-updateBoundPoint_Hook
- _autorun-utils
- switch connection shape
Code syntax highlight - mark as code
- autorun-drawElementOnCanvasHook
- _autorun-utils
Expand/collapse elements - add collapse by line
- autorun-onPointerDownHook
echarts - insert echarts
- convert text to echarts
- switch echarts type
- autorun-onPasteHook
- autorun-renderCustomDocument
Rendering local MD, code highlighting, and Echarts when exporting SVG/embedding Excalidraw into MD. - autorun-renderElementToSvg_Hook
Flow animation fow arrow and shapes - add animation for line
- autorun-drawElementFromCanvasHook
- remove animation
- autorun-deleteSelectedElementsHook
Highlight link - add highlight link
- autorun-_renderInteractiveScene_Hook
- autorun-handleCanvasPointerUp_Hook
Set tags for element (Obsidian) - add highlight link Image

You can view the demonstration and more details on

Feedback, questions, ideas, problems

Feel free to contact me if:

  • You have any issues or questions regarding usage.
  • You have suggestions or feedback.
  • You want to discuss interesting ideas or new features.

Communication channels can be:

  • GitHub issues.
  • Email.
  • Bilibili comments or private messages.
  • My personal contact information (WeChat, QQ).

Say Thank You

If you find the modifications I made helpful to you, feel free to leave comments and messages.

You can also sponsor me a cup of coffee:

  • WeChat sponsorship code.

- ko-fi Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com


Thanks to zsviczian and other contributors of obsidian-excalidraw-plugin.

Thanks to contributors of excalidraw."