Your go-to news app - Instant access to the latest news by category
Analyze your news habits - Sign up for free to access analytics about what newspapers and political opinions you read (UK focus)
A colourful way to track your bias - Your app changes color based on the news-articles you visit, allowing you to track what political stance you're exposed to
Live: https://fairpointnews.com
This is a project ready for deployment to Heroku. After cloning the project, run npm install in the root folder as well as the client folder.
Create a .env file in your root folder and enter your desired credentials:
PORT = 4000
MONGO_DB = mongodb://localhost:27017/front_pages_db
AUTH_PATH = http://localhost:3000/auth/google/callback
Start your backend (localhost:4000) in root folder:
node server.js
Start your frontend (localhost:3000) in client folder:
npm run start
Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to access the app.
Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Puppeteer, Heroku, React, Google Auth, Material-UI, Chart.js
Oliver Bowen |
Joanna Kang |
Johan Friedner |
Edward Chan |
Improve loading speed
Add in-site video content
Increase aggregator capabilities
Expand functionality beyond UK News