
BowerBird iOS-5 App Beta

Primary LanguageObjective-C


BowerBird iOS-5 App Beta

Built as an in the field tool for the BowerBird website - http://www.bowerbird.org.au.

Allows users to:

  • Register for BowerBird
  • Log in to contribute
  • Join Projects, Add Observations, Identify species, Discuss contributions

with thanks to

Matt Greenfield - http://www.bigpaua.com/ - creator of MGBox2 which is used extensively for the UI

The RestKit project - https://github.com/restkit - which is used for Server Communication

Alex Billingsley - https://github.com/DyKnow/SignalR-ObjC - creator of SignalR-objC, a port of SignalR to Objective-C used for server to app callbacks