This app is along the lines of an event planner. You can sign up and log in and see all the events people have posted including: Title, Date of event and a Short description of the event. Once you have signed up and in you can add events to. The app allows you to update your events posts allowing you to change a date if for some reason it changes or maybe you want to change the description or title you can do it on Eventz.
Link to GH Pages deployment Back-End Repository
- Front-End
I started off by building the front-end of my project because I like to have some structure when I'm working on building my back end. - Building the Apps UI
I created a workable event planner representation which handled user actions. I struggled a bit to integrate my apps UI to the back-end, but with some fiddling in Atom, I made it all work. - Implementing Authentication
I followed the steps in the Authentication template repo we worked on in class and changed some code to fit my authentication UI implementation. - Linking the App to the Apps API
I struggled a lot at first with this step, I went back and forth and tried a number of different solutions. This definitely slowed my process down a little bit. But eventually I tied it all together. - Things to take care of
- I had hoped to implement a third-party api, but I ran out of time.
- I did not use version control very effectively.
- I would have liked to implement Handlebars.js in to my project.
- Client
- jQuery - For UI manipulation and AJAX calls
- Backend
- Ruby on Rails
- Heroku Web Hosting
- Build System
- Grunt
- Webpack
- Pry
- Deployment
- Github Pages
- Version Control
- Git
- Github
User Authentication: 1). As a user, I want to be able to sign up. 2). As a user, I want to be able to sign in. 3). As a user, I want to be able to change my password. 4). As a user, i want to be able to sign out.
App Use: 5). As a user, I want to add a group. 6). As a user, I can add posts to a group. 7). As a user, I want to be able to sign in and see other users groups and posts. 8). As a user, I want to delete a group that I created. 9). As a user, I want to delete a post that I created.
10). As a user, I can use a third-party api on the Eventz website. 11). As a user, I can see the events posts I created.
I decided to create a fun and playful mobile responsive web design, with a event planner integrated in because who doesn't have a bunch of fun events to go to and wants to share the information about them.