
Stratiform is an Ansible playbook for provisioning, configuring, and managing DigitalOcean droplets.

Primary LanguageJinja


stratiform is an Ansible playbook for provisioning, configuring, and managing DigitalOcean droplets.

1. Setup

This playbook requires the following ansible-galaxy roles and collections:


  • community.digitalocean
  • community.general


  • oefenweb.fail2ban

To install these dependencies, run the following commands from the root folder of this repository:

ansible-galaxy collection install -r collection-requirements.yml
ansible-galaxy install -r role-requirements.yml

For further documentation on the these collections and roles, see the official docs on Ansible Galaxy

In addition to basic droplet provisioning, some post-provisioning is also performed in order to make the environment a little more user-friendly and secure, by installing the following:

1.1. Security

  • Non-Root SSH access (DigitalOcean Droplets use root by default)
  • Mandatory Access Controls (via AppArmor/SELinux)
  • UFW (Ubuntu Only)
  • Fail2Ban

1.2. Usability

NOTE: If you would like to opt NOT to install these extra tools, add 'install_extras': no to the environment variables dictionary in the ansible-playbook command listed below, or alternatively, add install_extras: no to ./group_vars/all before running the playbook.

2. Usage

2.1. Hosts

Hosts in this playbook are not static, and are registered by the do_droplet role into the dynamic inventory.

2.2. Group Vars

./group_vars/all is the main configuration source for this playbook. Any variables you need to update can be found there. Please do not update or change the role variables or edit the tasks or site.yml directly.

2.3. Special Variables

In order to provision a new droplet, you must provide your DigitalOcean OAuth/API Token, along with at least one SSH key fingerprint from your DigitalOcean account.

These values should never be checked in as code, thus the best way to pass them is at runtime as a JSON object, with the SSH key fingerprints passed as a list element. The exact syntax can be found below.

2.4. Images, Sizes, and Regions

DigitalOcean's API refers to their various droplet sizes, images, and regions using slugs. Valid droplet size, region, and image slugs are as follows:

2.4.1. Sizes

Dedicated CPU
General Purpose CPU-Optimized Memory-Optimized Storage-Optimized
g-2vcpu-8gb c-2 m-2vcpu-16gb so-2vcpu-16gb
g-4vcpu-16gb c-4 m-4vcpu-32gb so1_5-2vcpu-16gb
gd-2vcpu-8gb c2-2vcpu-4gb m3-2vcpu-16gb
gd-4vcpu-16gb c2-4vcpu-8gb m6-2vcpu-16gb

Shared CPU

2.4.2. Droplet Images

NOTE: This is only a list of slugs for standard images. For a list of One-Click Application images, consult the official API docs, or use the following doctl command:

doctl compute image list-application

Currently this playbook only fully supports Ubuntu-based images.

Image Slug Image OS/Version
centos-7-x64 CentOS 7 (64-bit)
centos-8-x64 CentOS 8 (64-bit)
debian-9-x64 Debian 9 (64-bit)
debian-10-x64 Debian 10 (64-bit)
fedora-32-x64 Fedora 32 (64-bit)
fedora-33-x64 Fedora 33 (64-bit)
fedora-34-x64 Fedora 34 (64-bit)
freebsd-11-x64-zfs FreeBSD 11 (64-bit) w/ZFS Support
freebsd-11-x64-ufs FreeBSD 11 (64-bit) w/UFS Support
freebsd-12-x64-ufs FreeBSD 12 (64-bit) w/ZFS Support
freebsd-12-x64-zfs FreeBSD 12 (64-bit) w/UFS Support
rancheros RancherOS 1.5.8 (64-bit)
ubuntu-16-04-x32 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (32-bit)
ubuntu-16-04-x64 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (64-bit)
ubuntu-18-04-x64 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (64-bit)
ubuntu-20-04-x64 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (64-bit)
ubuntu-20-10-x64 Ubuntu 20.10 (64-bit)
ubuntu-21-10-x64 Ubuntu 21.10 (64-bit)


Slug Name
ams2 Amsterdam 2
ams3 Amsterdam 3
blr1 Bangalore 1
fra1 Frankfurt 1
nyc1 New York 1
nyc2 New York 2
nyc3 New York 3
lon1 London 1
sfo1 San Francisco 1
sfo2 San Francisco 2
sfo3 San Francisco 3
sgp1 Singapore 1
tor1 Toronto 1

3. Playbook

To run the playbook and set up droplets, run the following command:

ansible-playbook -e "{'do_api_key':'<your_digitalocean_api_key>','do_ssh_key_fingerprints':['00:de:ad:be:ef:88:ab:cd:ef:12:34:56:78:00:aa:bb','...']}" site.yml

You can also use a Vault by placing the following YAML data into ./group_vars/vault.yml along with an accompanying vault password in ./.vaultpasswd:

do_api_key: '<your_digitalocean_api_key>'
do_ssh_key_fingerprints: ['00:de:ad:be:ef:88:ab:cd:ef:12:34:56:78:00:aa:bb','...']

NOTE: To get your SSH Key Fingerprint, run the following command:

ssh-keygen -E md5 -lf ~/.ssh/id_rsa | cut -d' ' -f2 | sed s/MD5\://g