Software Dependencies

  • Please follow this instruction to install Rust.

  • We test the code using rustc 1.43.0. Use rustup override set 1.43.0 to specify the rust version for compilation.

  • Since many Rust dependency packages may not be backward-compatible, we strongly recommend building the code with the provided Cargo.lock. Please refer to run.sh file for details.

Files & Directory

  • Arkworks/: A fork of the Arkworks implementation for ZK Proof, especially Groth16.
  • ZENO-engine/: Implementation of ZENO optimizations.
  • zkNN-circuit/: Implementation of zkNN circuits.

Hardware Requirement

A laptop should be sufficient to generate proof for small neural networks such as LeNet. Generating proof for large neural networks such as ResNet-50 may need a machine with sufficient (e.g., 256GB) RAM.


Private Image & Public Weight Baseline

cd zkNN-circuit/baseline-one-private
sh ./run.sh

Private Image & Private Weight Baseline

cd zkNN-circuit/baseline-both-private
sh ./run.sh

Optimized zkNN with ZENO

cd zkNN-circuit/all-optimizations
sh ./run.sh