
My bytebeat projects

Primary LanguageJavaScript


My bytebeat projects

I don't have a clean way to actually play these on their own so you will have to copy the contents of whichever js file you wish to play then paste them into a bytebeat interpereter.

NOTE: the varible 'sr' is always the Sample Rate, whichever bytebeat interpereter you're using should be set accordingly unless you wan't to hear it at like %15 speed.

such as this one: https://greggman.com/downloads/examples/html5bytebeat/html5bytebeat.html#t=0&e=0&s=44100&bb=5d000001000100000000000000001841fbffffffe0000000

or this one: https://dollchan.net/bytebeat/#v3b64q1ZKzk9JVbJSKtHSKFEzNDO2MLE3szLV1NIw0dUwVCuxs7PQ1LSz0zBW0wWyLTVrgKSZUi0A