

This repository contains a collection of PowerShell functions that can be utilized in larger scripts or incorporated into your PowerShell profile. The functions are organized into four categories: file manipulation, custom prompts, navigation, and system administration. Each category serves a specific purpose to enhance your PowerShell experience.

File Manipulation

The file manipulation functions provide convenient methods for working with individual files. These functions allow you to duplicate files, rename them, move them to the recycling bin, or permanently delete them. Additionally, a PowerShell version of the Unix command 'touch' is available, enabling you to create placeholder files or update a file's last modified date. The 'filewatch' function is another useful tool that provides notifications for any changes made to files within the directory where the function is executed.

Custom Prompts

The custom prompts are designed to be used with the built-in prompt function, enhancing your command line interface. One of the functions displays the number of files and folders in the current directory, providing a quick overview of the directory's contents. There is also a 'compact' function that shortens the prompt, optimizing screen space. Another custom prompt function shows the last command used, along with the name of the current directory, aiding in command history tracking.


The navigation functions offer efficient methods for traversing the file tree. These functions enable you to move quickly between directories, enhancing your workflow. Additionally, a combined function allows you to change directories and open a file explorer simultaneously, providing seamless navigation and exploration.

System Administration

The system administration functions streamline access to Windows GUI settings, making it easier to configure system options. These functions provide shortcuts to common settings such as Windows Update, app uninstallation, system information, Task Manager, Disk Management, and more. Furthermore, there are functions to clear temporary files and retrieve information about the software installed on your computer.


These functions originated from my personal PowerShell profile and have proven to be invaluable tools in my daily workflow. I decided to share them with the community in the hope that others may benefit as well. If you have any ideas for new functions to add to this collection or would like to contribute, feel free to reach out to me or fork this project.