Developers | OG Joystick Jury: Donielle Kinchen, Brianna Obando & Shelby Pagan


This one’s for the ✨girlies✨

Welcome to Joystick Jury, a video game review site where you can discuss old and current video games & new releases!

Genres include: Action 🥊, Sports 🏈🏀⚽️, Adventure💪, RPG🧍, Racing🏎️, Fighting🥷, and Simulation and Party👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🎉.

Do you like Call of Duty? Visit the site and find new game plays!

Or are you more of a Sims’ fan? Take a look and find how to install the craziest mods.

Log-in or sign up today!


as of 12/1/2023

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Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Bootstrap
  • Express
  • Node.js
  • Mongoose/MongoDB
  • Google Passport
  • Game Spot API

Getting Started

Click the link below and leave a review today!! 👉

Simplified ERD model 👇 simplified ERD

Full ERD model 👇 Full ERD

Next Steps

  • Incorporate more ways to log-in to our system
  • More profile customization options
  • Adding a like feature to post and reviews
  • Profile Search option: being to able to look for other profiles and their activity on the site.