
Mini Project that uses the full stack.

Primary LanguageHTML


Mini Project that uses the full stack.

##Objectives You'll create a really simple Angular app that calculates loan payment amounts based on an interest rate retrieved from a simple API that you'll also create.

##Step 1: Set up front end

We're going to set up our front end part of this app by having express fetch files and relay them to the client. We'll also make a really basic Angular app that will calcaulate payments for a loan.

  • Use express's static middleware to serve a folder of static assets.
  • Create a folder called "public"
  • Move the index.html file already in the repo to the public folder. (Your index.html already has the markup you need.)
  • Move the styles.css to the public folder.
  • In the public folder, create a "js" folder.
  • In the js folder, create the following files:
  • Create a server.js file that serves the static files found in the "public" folder. Hint: app.use(express.static(__dirname+'/public'));

Verify that it's working by running your script, node server.js and opening the page in the browser, e.g. http://localhost:8080

##Step 2: Set up back end

  • In server.js, create an endpoint that responds to a GET request on the /interest_rate route
  • The interest_rate route should return a random number between .01 and .20, with two decimal places.
  • Test your endpoint using Postman to make sure it returns the interest rate in a JSON object

##Step 3: Connect front end to back end

  • Write the bank-service to include a method that returns a promise http call to retrieve the interest rate from your /interest_rate endpoint
  • Have MainCtrl make the call and store the rate as $scope.interest_rate
  • Run your app node server.js and make sure the interest rate shows
  • Calculate the monthly payment of a loan defined at $scope.principal over 4 years (48 months) with the interest rate retrieved. Store the value as $scope.monthly_payment. Hint: use the basic formula for calculating the total loan amount with interest:
// P = Principal amount
// r = interest rate
// t = time (in years)

A = P*r*t

// A = total amount interest owed

A = P + (P*r*t)

// A = total amount owed with interest