
The SassCompiler provides a CakePHP SASS Component which automates the process of compiling SCSS files to css. It uses the PHP interface provided by http://leafo.net/scssphp/

Primary LanguagePHP


The SassCompiler provides a CakePHP Sass Component which automates the process of compiling .scss (not yet .sass) files to css. It uses the PHP interface provided by http://leafo.net/scssphp/


The master branch has the following requirements:

  • CakePHP 2.2.0 or greater.
  • PHP 5.3.0 or greater.


  • Clone/Copy the files in this directory into app/Plugin/SassCompiler
  • Ensure the plugin is loaded in app/Config/bootstrap.php by calling CakePlugin::load('SassCompiler');
  • Include the Sass component in your AppController.php:
    • public $components = array('SassCompiler.Sass');


The component will check for scss files to (re)compile automatically when:

  • Debug level is > 0
  • autoRun is set to true in the component settings
  • Cache-time expires

In a live environment one can force the component to (re)compile all scss files by supplying forceSassToCompile=true in the request string.

The component writes cache-files to your CakePHP's cache-directory in a subdirectory called "SassComponent". All scss files should be placed in the app/sass directory (to generate css-files in the default webroot/css directory). scss files for the plugin and themes should be stored in app/Plugin/{pluginname}/sass or app/View/Themed/{themename}/sass.

The default duration time for the cache is 4 hours. After that time the cache expires and after a new request the component will check for updated or added scss files.

Possible Component Settings

public $components = array(
	'SassCompiler.Sass' 	=> array(
		'sourceFolder'		=> 'sass',						// Where to look for .scss files, (From the APP directory)
		'targetFolder'		=> false,						// Where to put the generated css (From the webroot directory)
		'formatter'			=> 'scss_formatter_compressed',	// PHPSass compatible style (compressed or nested)
		'forceCompiling'	=> false,						// Always recompile
		'autoRun'			=> false,						// Check if compilation is necessary, this ignores the CakePHP Debug setting
		'import_paths'		=> array()						// Array of paths to search for scss files when using @import, path has to be relative to the sourceFolder


Of course you want to use Compass. This is possible with the following steps:

  • Clone the Compass source from https://github.com/chriseppstein/compass
  • Copy the folder frameworks/compass/stylesheets to you CakePHP project's sass folder, for example inside app/sass/compass
  • Then add the relative path to the import_paths setting array:
'import_paths' => array(
	'compass'	// Our sass folder is `app/sass`, and with this setting `app/sass/compass` will also be searched for imports

Now you can use Compass inside your scss files as you do normally.


GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPL-3.0) http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0