
My dotfiles with inspiration from https://github.com/gf3/dotfiles, https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles, https://github.com/paulirish/dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell


My dotfiles with inspiration from https://github.com/gf3/dotfiles, https://github.com/mathiasbynens/dotfiles, https://github.com/paulirish/dotfiles & https://gist.github.com/iammerrick/8245832


  • bc (I had to install via sudo yum install bc on my CentOS 6.5 devbox)
  • Git
  • Vim


My bootstrap.sh script is based on Gianni Chiappettas excellent setup. It performs the following actions:

  • checks for dependencies
  • pulls latests revision of repo and updates submodules
  • backs up existing file/folders to $HOME/.dotfiles-backup/
  • installs files
  • creates $HOME/.vim/tmp & $HOME/.vim/bundle if they dont already exist
  • installs Vundle if not installed already
  • installs/updates Vim plugins via Vundle

The main differences from Giannis script is that the $HOME/.vim/tmp & $HOME/.vim/bundle folders are not removed and recreated and that Vim plugins are installed via Vundle rather than submodules


Install read only

git clone https://github.com/BradDenver/dotfiles.git && cd dotfiles && source bootstrap.sh

Install read write

Assuming a GitHub username of "UserName", fork of this repo and then

git clone https://UserName@github.com/UserName/dotfiles.git && cd dotfiles && source bootstrap.sh


source ~/dotfiles/bootstrap.sh