
A reusable program for repeated analysis of hospital flow data

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Project to explore automation of patient FLow in hOSPitals work in a scalable manner.


  • provide means to import and clean ED and inpatient hospital data quickly
  • provide standard plotting/analysis outputs


  • create module to import/clean/impose standard format/save ED data
  • create similar for inpatient data
  • create module for standard ED plotting/analysis
  • create module for standard IP plotting/analysis


to install dependencies....

conda env create activate hospital-flow

installing python

If are new to python then the easiest way to get up and running is to download the anaconda distribution of python: https://www.anaconda.com/download/

creating a python environment

Creating an environment should be the easiest way to ensure that you can run our code sucessfully. To do this:

  • navigate to your directory which should contain the downloaded files (.csv, .yml, .ipynb)
  • open command prompt (terminal in mac)
  • type: 'conda env create'
  • type: 'activate hospital-flow' ('source activate hospital-flow' in mac)


running the script

see examples of how to use in: example_flosp_workflow.ipynb



  • Gen: multiple instances of set_save_path method...look to make generic function.
  • Gen: create test harness
  • plotting.plotED: is a mess. Needs refactoring. Many repeated functions that could be made generic.
  • ioED: fix data type catagory on age_group column