
Swift Package Manager for Sardine

Primary LanguageSwift



Adding a new version

Prepare new XCFramework

  1. Download the desired release from Sardine
  2. Unzip the download and locate the MobileIntelligence.xcframework file
  3. Compress the file so that you end up with MobileIntelligence.xcframework.zip (right-click file and choose "Compress")
  4. From Terminal, run the command swift package compute-checksum MobileIntelligence.xcframework.zip (Can specify full path if running from different directory)
  5. Make note of the checksum that is printed from the previous command

Update Package.swift

  1. Navigate to the Package.swift file from the repo on Github
  2. Click "Edit this file" (pencil icon) to edit the file directly in Github
  3. Update the url to reference the desired version number
  4. Update the checksum to the value printed from the compute-checksum command
  5. Commit changes

Create a new release

  1. Navigate to Releases on the Github repo
  2. Click "Draft a new release"
  3. Click "Choose tag" and enter v1.2.3 (using desired version number) and click "Create new tag on publish"
  4. Enter the same v1.2.3 version number as the title of the release
  5. Enter 1.2.3 as the description of the release
  6. Drag the MobileIntelligence.xcframework.zip you compressed earlier into the "Attach binaries..." section near the bottom
  7. Click "Publish release"


You did it! You can now reference the new version from your project without needing to authenticate to Github. Cheers! 🍻