Redis Pub / Sub Server Sent Events chat

This started as an experiment with server sent events. The library was rather straightforward, so I'm building out a chat app around it.

Right now the code consists of 5 pieces:

  • An initial redis pub / sub hello-world test (/simple-demo)
  • A server side library (/msg-bus)
  • A client side library (/msg-bus/client.js)
  • A chat server (/server, start-server.js)
  • A chat client (/client, /assets/index.html)

The library

The goal is to have a dead simple API that can be dropped into a project for simple SSE connectivity.

See the source code and example app for details.

On the server you can emit events, and subscribe to those events from an HTTP request.

On the client you can subscribe to a stream and then listen for events that are emitted on that stream.

Note that redis is completely unnecessary if you are dealing with a single server, but makes it much easier when you want more than one server to be able to subscribe to the same channel.

Also note that while express is used for the example server, the only methods used by the library are ones that exist on the base response object from Node's HTTP module (write, writeHead, and end, along with the close event).

The chat app

Initially it was a simple vanilla JS application on the front end, with an express server backing it. In the interests of learning and just because it's fun, we're now using React as our view library and Rollup as our build tool.

Markdown support is provided by marked, Async Futures by Fluture, and of course Ramda for the functional toolkit.


  • Loading previous messages from server on connect.
  • Multiple rooms.
  • Whitelist the <marquee> tag (maybe via markdown extension).
  • Emoji support.
  • Local storage to remember nicknames.
  • Multi line messages.